Levenshtein Distance

Given 2 strings, find the minimum number of operations required to change one string to the other. An operation is defined as either replacement of a character, deletion of a character, or addition of a character. This problem is also called Levenshtein Distance. Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences.

Dynamic Programming

Levenshtein Distance can be solved with the help of dynamic programming.

Here, we are going to create a 2D array / matrix called edits, this matrix will hold the minimum number of substitutions, deletions and additions of creating specific substrings.

In the given image, empty strings are added and those will always contain 0 values.

Looking at row[0][0] - The question is:

How many operations are required to convert an empty string to an empty string, it will always be 0.

Looking at row[0][1] - The question is:

How many operations are required to convert an empty string to the character y - 1 operation of addition is required.

and so on..

This is how we are going to create the first row and the first column.

Let's look at row[1][1]:

How many operations are required to convert a to y - 1 substitute operation.

Let's look at row[1][2]:

How many operations are required to convert a to ya - It is 1, because we can either remove a or add a.

Keeping in mind that str[i] === str[j] here, we take the previous value we encounter and update the current value at index i - From here, we can devise an algorithm for Dynamic Programming.

Finally, the matrix looks like this:

The solution is edits[str2.length][str1.length] - This number will be the minimum number of operations required to change one string to the other.

Pseudo code

if (str[i] === str[j]) {
    edits[i][j] = edits[i-1][j-1] // Take the previous value
} else {
    // Take 1 + Minimum value of neighbouring index.
    // We add 1 because atleast one addition or deletion
    // operation will be required.

Time and Space Complexity:

  • Time: O(mn) where m = length of first string, n = length of second string. Because we are traversing a 2D array.
  • Space: O(mn) where m = length of first string, n = length of second string. Because we are strong the 2D array / creating it.
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